Rules, Regulations, Bylaws

Nice to know...
Cranberry Public Library offers books, e-books, databases and so much more - plus, in-person and online programs for all ages. Stop by for your free library and plan to stay and browse their extensive collection. More info, https://www.cranberrytownship.org/2839/Library
The Cranberry Senior Center, located in the Township Municipal Center, offers a wide range of programs and activities, plus lunch options. Program and service examples https://www.cranberrytownship.org/773/Senior-Center
Call the Center for current hours and details. Ph: 724-772-6086
The "Do Not Knock" list isn't perfect, but it does offer residents an opportunity to add their address to the NO Soliciting database. However, you must update your listing each year. For more information, https://www.cranberrytownship.org/2672/DO-NOT-KNOCK-Resident-Registration
An annual EMS Membership is well worth it, given the high costs of health care. As of 9/2020, A Senior Citizen membership $40. and covers an individual or couple that are 62 years of age or older, as well as all other permanent residents of that household. Questions? Call 724-776-4480.
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